If you need to see a doctor but don’t have a family doctor, there are walk-in clinics around the city. You can access a list of the clinics through 211Ontario.ca or by calling 2-1-1.
If you have a non-urgent health issue and need advice, or if you have a question about your health, you can call 8-1-1 to speak to a nurse for free. You can also access 8-1-1 online: health811.ontario.ca
Pharmacists are able to prescribe medications for some minor illnesses. You can find a list of what they can treat here: ontario.ca/page/pharmacies#section-2
MedicationThose younger than 25, or are 65+, or are receiving OW/ODSP are eligible for prescription medication coverage through the Ontario Drug Benefit program:
Eye HealthYouth under 20 years old are covered under OHIP for one eye exam per year. For prescription glasses, low income families can contact 3-1-1 for financial assistance, or search for affordable options online.
Emergency Mental Health CareOttawa Distress Centre:
Suicide Crisis Helpline:
If you believe someone will hurt themselves or someone else, always call
Info and Referrals
ConnexOntario.cais a free service that provides information on mental health and addiction services.
AccessMHA.ca is a free referral service for anyone 16+that can help direct you to the right non-emergent mental health, addiction, or substance use program.
Ontario Structured Therapy Program is a free program for anxiety and depression for those 18 or older. It requires referral from a doctor or AccessMHA.ca.